Now while [especially] dark chocolate is good for you, that doesn't mean you should throw care to the wind and storm the Hershey's factory. Chocolate is still high in sugar and calories, and should be enjoyed in moderation. There is no serving size information to couple with the studies relaying the health benefits. Choose dark chocolate varieties over milk chocolates (higher in fat) and look for brands which have been less processed. This way you will get the best benefits as over processing can strip the flavonoids from the finished process, as they are are what gives chocolate its pungent taste in the form of polyphenols. Basically, learn to appreciate real, less processed dark chocolate like you would a fine wine.
For this present I needed to get a whole carton of small presents together for the belated birthday of my S.F. wife, Emy, so I threw in a Dagoba organic dark chocolate bar for good measure asI knew she would get it at her office and would most likely need some sort of carbohydrate boost to make it to the end of the day. The rest is in her own words.
"It was with trepidation that I took my first nibble of the organic bittersweet dark chocolate bar sent to me so kindly by my wife. I don't know why I was so worried, as she generally knows what's best for me, and has yet to lead me astray. I generally don't condone that which is either too dark (coffee without creamer) or too bitter (shots of Fernet Branca), and don't get me started on organic. I went to Berkeley and those organic-loving hippies are about to single-handedly ruin Cal's football team by refusing to stop living in a grove of trees near the stadium.
Furthermore, the label reads "new
moon 74%", and such astrological
references led me to believe I'd be
fortunate if this thing didn't taste
more of patchouli than of chocolate...
But I digress. Despite all indications to the contrary, I liked it. It's not the sort of thing I'd eat in a sitting, but half a square as a quick pick-me-up with my afternoon coffee would be pleasant. Further, I'm pretty sure it would be fabulous in baking, very creamy (which surprised me since I often conflate organic with vegan, my mistake), and it has a good strong chocolate flavor. -Emy"
*This post is semi-dedicated to my former neighbor Megan T., who used to pretend to be surprised when I would slip these chocolate bars under her door at 6:30am in the morning.... ~beth