Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Padma Lakshmi’s Groceries Are As Boring As She Is

Anyone who has ever watched Bravo’s Top Chef for more than ten minutes can clearly state that the person with the least personality on the show is also the person who looks like she actually ingests the least amount of food…and that would be show presenter, Padma Lakshmi. She really should have stuck to her original claim to fame as India’s first supermodel and left speaking parts to those who can conjure up actual working commentary. Let’s just say that her grocery list published on Fresh Direct is as boring as she is.

Also, it begs the question of whether this is a post Salman Rushdie list or not (Lakshmi recently "packed her knives and went" for Top Chef Tom Colicchio...?). Was he the one serving up the Stonyfield Farm’s baby yogurt every morning? Was that what drove her to another man’s arms? Probably not, but that is how boring the grocery list is.

Yes, it is obvious that Fresh Direct, who is using the lists in cross promotion of different celebrities and their services, would never post anything racy or less than organic on their website. But come on, give us something worth clicking on here people. I want to know that Kelly Clarkson only eats chicken nuggets and rum raisin ice cream with her Vitamin Water. I want to know that 50 Cent has an Entenmann's addiction bordering on Type II Diabetes. I want to know that Tiki Barber orders Chef Boyardee Spaghettios by the case…. Come on.

*If you happen to be a celebrity and need help grocery shopping or even just making the list, I'm your girl. For serious. ~beth

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